Tuesday, April 1, 2008

...RoBeRtO cLeMeNtE...


I think that ATHLETES can be hero because when they play games and do good then they are all over the media which gets them famous. The effect of being famous can cause a director of movie making from HOLLYWOOD can come up to them and tell them to do an movie. That is the reigon why i think that an ATHLETES could be an hero of any thing for an example: HERO OF LONG JUMP, HERO OF TRACK, OR A MOVIE AND ETC.


DETERMINE: I DETERMINE that there are lot of university that i can go to for I.T.

PROSPECTS: There are "prospects" of me getting visa to U.S.A.

PREJUDICE: I made the payment PREJUDICE without any Rights.

POTENTIAL: I have the potential of becoming a APPLE TECHNICIAN IN FUTURE

1 comment:

marco said...

I like how you make a vocabulary but you don't have to say athletes is athlete